WhatsApp has introduce a new app for Windows and Mac users now there is no need of keeping your browser window always phone to access WhatsApp on your PC? Here is the solution, You can now download and install latest WhatsApp desktop app on your PC’s running on Windows and Mac operating System.
Similarly like WhatsApp Web, our desktop app is simply an extension of your phone: the app mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device.
WhatsApp Desktop App:-
Now WhatsApp have introduced latest version of desktop app it is similar and replacement off
whatsapp web.Here we can use this app same as whatsapp web.As per the official announcement from WhatsApp team, the desktop app is available for Windows operating system running on Windows 8 or higher and Mac OS running on 10.9 or higher versions. Like Web, the messages from your phone will be synced to the desktop app. In this app, you will have native desktop notifications, better keyboard shortcuts, controlling previews of messages in the desktop alerts and more. You can also view the blocked contacts and block new contacts from the desktop app.
Even in the Desktop App, you have to access your messages with the help of your phone. There is no option to login directly from the desktop app like Telegram desktop app.
1)Download WhatsApp Desktop Application from HERE
2)The sie of the Windows App is 61.5 MB and the size of Mac application which comes in the zipping package is 55 MB.
3)After downlaoding open the app and install it.
4)Now scan the QR code from your mobile and all the messages from your phone will be synced with your desktop app.
5)You can control notifications, sounds and block contacts from the desktop app.
Download the Desktop app now and Happy WhatsApping
If you face any problem/difficulties, please feel free to drop a comment.
Similarly like WhatsApp Web, our desktop app is simply an extension of your phone: the app mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device.
WhatsApp Desktop App:-
Now WhatsApp have introduced latest version of desktop app it is similar and replacement off
whatsapp web.Here we can use this app same as whatsapp web.As per the official announcement from WhatsApp team, the desktop app is available for Windows operating system running on Windows 8 or higher and Mac OS running on 10.9 or higher versions. Like Web, the messages from your phone will be synced to the desktop app. In this app, you will have native desktop notifications, better keyboard shortcuts, controlling previews of messages in the desktop alerts and more. You can also view the blocked contacts and block new contacts from the desktop app.
Even in the Desktop App, you have to access your messages with the help of your phone. There is no option to login directly from the desktop app like Telegram desktop app.
1)Download WhatsApp Desktop Application from HERE
2)The sie of the Windows App is 61.5 MB and the size of Mac application which comes in the zipping package is 55 MB.
3)After downlaoding open the app and install it.
4)Now scan the QR code from your mobile and all the messages from your phone will be synced with your desktop app.
5)You can control notifications, sounds and block contacts from the desktop app.
Download the Desktop app now and Happy WhatsApping
If you face any problem/difficulties, please feel free to drop a comment.